We are preparing for a circular future. A future where clothes are designed to last and be used for longer. Made from materials with a lower footprint. A future where repairing, passing on and recycling our used garments comes naturally.


There is still a long way to go – for us and the entire industry. But we are committed to do our part to get there. It takes a new mindset. One that challenges us to rethink our design process. To consider the garment’s entire lifespan from raw material to end-use. To create garments that are reusable, repairable and recyclable.


These circular practices offer the potential to significantly reduce waste and the pressure on natural resources.

Circularity in the fashion industry, however, will only be possible through collaboration across industry level. That is why we are actively engaging in new partnerships and supporting innovation that promote smarter ways of working.


Read more about our approach to innovation


We are preparing for a circular future. A future where clothes are designed to last and be used for longer. Made from materials with a lower footprint. A future where repairing, passing on and recycling our used garments comes naturally.


There is still a long way to go – for us and the entire industry. But we are committed to do our part to get there. It takes a new mindset. One that challenges us to rethink our design process. To consider the garment’s entire lifespan from raw material to end-use. To create garments that are reusable, repairable and recyclable. These circular practices offer the potential to significantly reduce waste and the pressure on natural resources.


Circularity in the fashion industry, however, will only be possible through collaboration across industry level. That is why we are actively engaging in new partnerships and supporting innovation that promote smarter ways of working.


Read more about our approach to innovation.


When designing for circularity, every decision made at each stage of the value cycle counts – from raw materials and production to use and recycling. All decisions taken by designers and product developers are critical for how a garment can become circular, as each decision impacts all other phases positively or negatively.

Therefore, BESTSELLER has introduced their Circular Design Guide – a guide for all designers and product developers across brands on how to create a circular garment.

The guide is publicly available on